Thursday, 5 December 2013

Audience feedback from: Siobhan, on the rough cut of my music video (parts 1 and 2)

Part 1

Part 2


Me: What do you think so far of the rough cut of my music video?
Siobhan: I think it's really good how you've got flash backs in there, it's quite flowing, also some of the lyrics matched up with what was going on in the music video. Also I like how it's telling a story of your actress in the music video.
Me: What improvements do you think I should make?
Siobhan: On some of them, use a faster cut so that it speeds it up, and matches the timing of the song and lyrics.
Me: Do you think that my music video incorporates the codes and conventions of the pop genre?
Siobhan: Yeah I do, because in terms of mise-en-scene, like the outfits she wears etc, it's very much day-to-day basis sort of stuff. As well as that, in terms of the location, it is very realistic and modern, with the woods and the home environment, it's kind of demographic of a young audience.
Me: Thank you. Also, do you think I have incorporated the stages well, and balanced the performance and narrative shots suitably?
Siobhan: Yeah, I definitely think that it is balanced out well. The stages of their relationship as well are really clearly shown, like where they're happy and then annoying each other, and you can clearly see that because it's well shot from certain angles and you can see their facial expressions.

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