Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Album advert 3rd draft

This is the third draft of my album advert. As you can see, I have made many changes in comparison to my last draft, however I am still dithering now on whether I actually prefer my last (second) draft or not. I showed my teacher and she told me that my last draft may have looked too much like a film poster, which I agreed with. So, I made many changes such as moving the album ratings down to the bottom of the page near the website mentionings etc.. I also changed the colour of the writing underneath the stars such as 'The Guardian' from red to white so that it would stand out more. This is because I figured that the red faded too much into the background which is the opposite effect from what I wanted. Furthermore, I moved the 'featuring hit single Guns and Horses' to the top of the page, above 'Lights', then I moved 'Ellie' and 'Goulding' down to the centre of the main image so that there was a gap between the writing to leave space for Ellie, and so that the font was small enough to fit in. However, I am not quite sure yet on whether I like this yet or not because I feel like it fades into the background too much and looks too 'random', but I am planning on receiving feedback from my target audience in order to fix this. However, my teacher thinks that it looks better like this so I will take that into account. Lastly, my teacher told me that my main image was too 'zoomed out' and even though I really liked the arch of the trees in the image, this needed to be cut out and the image needed to me zoomed in on because Georgina looked too small and far away, making it look like a film poster. I then realised that she wasn't the centre of attention on my album advert and that I definitely needed to fix this, so I cropped the image to make Georgina larger. I do think that this looks a lot better. However, in preparation for my final draft I will be changing many things, such as font size and type, the colours to make them stand out, amongst many other features.

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