Thursday, 21 November 2013

Project log 21/11/13

This week I have started editing my music video at school on a program called Adobe Premiere Pro. I uploaded the clips I have filmed so far on the narrative-side of my video, and put them together. I feel it is going fairly successful so far, however it is hard to tell where to put what clips in what places because I have not filmed my performance shots yet.
Today and yesterday specifically, I began creating another file on Adobe Premiere Pro, summarising the footage I have filmed so far narrative-wise. I tried to export it today but I did not have enough time so I am going to export this and upload it to YouTube hopefully on Monday.
Tomorrow I am filming my performance shots with my actress Georgina, in Ruislip Woods. 

Print screen photo of the process of me editing my music video narrative footage summary:

I also created a "photos of me filming" video on Windows Movie Maker at home, as this I believe is a strong piece of construction evidence.

After this, I developed a Word document on a brief planning of the structure of the filming of my music video tomorrow. Therefore now I feel a lot more organised because I know what I am filming for what parts, so I found this particularly helpful. Then, I completed the "alterations/evaluations I have made along the way" task on my blog, listing the alterations I can remember making along the way, with rough estimations of the time these alterations occurred and a description of the alterations, why they happened and how it affected my work. I actually found this task really insightful, showing me how far I have come so far.

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