Monday, 4 November 2013

Project log 04/11/13 (MAKE INTO VIDEO?)

Today, I created a "costumes" video on Windows Live Movie Maker. I had previously created a costumes video before, but of course now I have filmed a lot more footage, there have been many more costumes to add, so I started again. This video included every single costumes my actor/actresses used in my music video, the reason why and what effect it will have on the audience. I figured this would give the examiner or the audience a good insight into my motives and reasons for creating the look I did in each shot. I have uploaded this to YouTube and embedded it onto my blog, however I will be adding to this costumes post as I still have more filming to do on the performance-side of my music video. Furthermore, I have tidied up my blog, making sure that every post is named under the right label. I found that some posts had been labeled as "Planning", when they were just construction evidence etc., so I made sure to fix this. After this, I began Googling similar images to what I want my Digipak front cover and album advert pictures to look like, to give me some inspiration for how to construct my own. I put these onto a Powerpoint and explained why I want to use some of them. I thought this was a good idea as it also shows the examiner the progress with thought I am making, and some construction evidence.

Screenshots of the process of editing and uploading my "costumes" video:

Screenshot of the process of me creating my image inspiration ideas for my Digipak cover and album advert:

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