Friday, 7 March 2014

Advertisement and Promotion

These posts focus on promotion and advertisement, and they highlight just a few ways in which I could advertise my album advert. This is through a billboard, a bus stop poster and an article. This is because I believe these are areas in which my target audience will notice my posters and therefore will be most effective/successful. For example, the bus stop suits my demographics being BC1 which consists of junior managers etc who are more likely to use public transport, as they may not be capable financilly, of running their own car.
I found the three advertisement images on google, opened them in Photoshop seperately, and imported either a landscape or portrait version of my album advert, in which I would then incorporate the image into the photo by cropping it or resizing it. I did this in order to make it look as realistic as possible, and give a professional view on what it would look like.
This first image represents what my advert would look like blown up on a billboard. Personally, I believe that size is an extremely important factor when it comes to making a product appealing to the audience and engaging them. Even if the artist or pop genre does not interest the passer-by or driver that happens to see this billboard promotion, it will still catch their eye due to the size of it, and just with that fact, we can see how crucial a billboard really is. Therefore, this allows the identity of the artist to develop and expand due to the improvements in recognition. I believe that making the artist's appearance and recognition as large as possible, is the main selling point when advertising. This is because the intended target audience are then likely to identify with the artist. Therefore, using the billboard as a method of advertisement can be linked to Andrew Goodwin's theory with personal identity, as an individual or group may primarily purchase the album due to having a relationship or relation with/to the artist. Furthermore, I believe the billboard is a great way of advertising because my target audience would see it; - whether they are 20 and driving, or 16 and on a bus or walking by.
Bus stop advert
This second photo portrays a rough idea of what my advert would look like on a bus stop advertisement area. Similarly to the billboard, I believe that having an advert in an area like a bus stop is an extremely effective and successful way of promoting my album advert, and this is because is would attract a large target market from a diverse environment. Whether it be passers-by, members of the public transportation or people in their cars, a wide and varied target market from a range of cultures and ethnic backgrounds would see it. This leads to the idea that my advert could potentially appeal to a variety of cultures. Similarly, the majority of bus stop adverts are at eye level, so the individual who sees the advertisement have more of an ability to spend a lot of time viewing the information stated properly, allowing them to even take notes on it if they wanted to.
Article/magazine advertisement
For this advertisement technique, I actually wanted to find an original article about Ellie Goulding, so that it represented my actual artist more. It took a while for me to edit my advert onto the image as it had a lot of different features to the original image that I could not just place my advert over, so I had to cover up parts by placing a white-filled shape. However, I am pleased with the result as I believe it is fairly realistic. I understand that for space, the producers of the magazine may have wanted to leave the image to the left however if I was creating an article, I would ensure that the main image takes up the whole page as it would catch the reader's eye more and keep them engaged, because their eyes are constantly referring back to the image even whilst reading the article - this is to do with Goodwin's 'star image', because essentially, Georgina/Ellie is the main focus of the product. Because essentially, the reader's interest is now being met, this would refer to the purpose and aim of the advert because it would begin to promote the album in more personal levels - the reader would want to 'get to know' the artist on a deeper level and know who they are through Twitter, Facebook, and discover release dates etc.. Furthermore, as the advert would be placed in a music magazine it would attract a larger target market, due to the type of genre being Pop, as this is such a huge genre. We would also be able to be confident in that our audience would be interested in what we have to say, because essentially the readers of the music magazines are interested in music, and will have more time for issues like this, as they have spent their income on it.

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