Friday, 14 February 2014

Summary of raw performance footage

This is a video I have made on Adobe Premiere Pro, including a summary of all the footage I had taken for the performance side of my music video. I summarised each part bit by bit, explaining what each shots were used for, as well as explaining why I used one shot and didn't use another, the shots I didn't use with their explanation, and more. I found this task really insightful because it made me realise how much footage I had and how much effort had been put into it, and also why I hadn't used some shots. It definitely reassured me that I had chosen the most suitable clips for my music video, which was good. As you can see by watching this video, it only contains a summary of several different shots as my aim was to not bore the audience with a range of random, tedious footage. I have used the main feature of personal identity by keeping the audience engaged through mainly using shots that contain my main protagonist, as she is the focus of my music video - not other irrelevant aspects. I hope that my audience will maintain their interest by having some sort of relation to the artist. Furthermore, I adapted the footage on Premiere consisting of speeding up some footage, cutting some parts and adding captions to allow the audience to be able to identify each part, so that again, they don't bore easily and feel as if they are watching the same thing over and over. Lastly, portraying a range of footage allows the audience to feel as if they are part of a journey, directly watching transitions from each shot to shot and how all the scenery varies.

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